Customer Account Application
This article explains how an end customer can submit an account application. Once submitted, the application is sent to a back-office user for processing.
The back-office system has a setting that determines whether customers are allowed to create account applications. To configure this, navigate to System Data > System Settings > Menu and enable the option Create Account Application.
Customer Front
On the customer front, the customer can either click on the button “Apply” in the quick menu or navigate to the account menu and click “Create Account Application”.
This ticket contains the following information:
Account Type: The selection made here determines the type of account that will be created.
Account Label: An optional field where the customer can assign a name to the account.
Currency: Specifies the base currency for the account.
Enter the relevant information in the pop-up ticket and click Confirm to create the account application.
A pop-up message appears on the screen.
Click Send to send the account to the back office administrator and then Confirm in the next pop-up.
An account application has now been sent to the back office.
After the application has been approved the account can be used for trading.
Approval by the Back office
There is a section called “Account Applications” on the Dashboard listing all account applications.
The same section is also available on the customer dashboard.
Click the action menu to approve the account application and to create the account.
The account is now created and on the customer front, it looks like this.
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