MiFID II - Customer Protection - Customer

MiFID II - Customer Protection - Customer

Customer Overview

There is a tab on the customer overview called MiFID-ll Customer Protection where you can update the customer target market profile and knowledge level. 
For the customer to be able to trade, at least investor type and knowledge group must be entered. 

Enter the information and click Create to save the information. 

Setting Description
CustomerName of the customer
Investor type:

The available options are

  • Retail
  • Professional
  • Eligible Counterparty
Knowledge and Experience:The available options are
  • Basic Investor
  • Informed Investor
  • Advanced Investor
Ability to Bear Loss:

The available options are 

  • No Capital Loss
  • Limited Capital Loss
  • No Capital Guarantee
  • Loss Beyond Capital

In the input box to the right of the dropdown you can enter a certain percentage acceptance number for the customer.

Risk Tolerance PRIIPS:As the risk tolerance for PRIIPS products there are risk levels between 1 - 7 available.
Risk Tolerance UCITS:As the risk tolerance for UCITS products there are risk levels between 1 - 7 available.
Risk Tolerance Other:

As the risk tolerance for Other products there are the following options available

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High
Return profilesYou can check a number of return profiles for the customer.
Time horizon

This is the time horizon on the investments of the customer and the available options are

  • Very short term (less than 1 year)
  • Shot term (less than 3 years)
  • Medium term (less than 5 years)
  • Long term (more than 5 years)

The customer can be associated with knowledge groups that in turn are associated with instruments and that way you can limit customers from investing in certain instruments where the customer is not fit to invest.

See this guide on how to work with knowledge groups Knowledge types

When the right information is entered and you saved the information the checkbox Has Customer Protection will be checked. (Customer overview > Details)


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