Hotfixes -2.42


Reconciliation Status on Business Transactions

It is now possible to add a reconciliation status on transactions which is useful when doing reconciliation.

There are three statuses that we can set on the transactions:

  • Reconciled

  • Investigate

  • Ignored

In the list, there is a drop-down menu on each transaction row where you can select the status or multi-handle several transactions at the same time. Learn more.


API - 2.42.3

Please read our changelog to get all the information about which API methods have been updated.
We added the possibility to set reconciliation status on business transactions and have also added a new method for this.

Fixed Issues

The exported file from Bricknode Broker was generated with the wrong order of the rows, we have therefore switched places on the rows with the bank account number and the row with the amount. The file can now be imported into the bank.

The CSV exports for Users now include the comment field that is found under the Details tab on the User overview.


A problem occurred when you submitted a time in TradeDate via the API. The development chart crashes when TradeDate has a time value. We have now changed it so you can send in time. (BSS-9643, BB-1214)


We have added the property/column “IsCorrected” to the file BusinessTransaction.csv in the nightly SFTP export. (BB-576)


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