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Welcome Mail
Create and edit the content of the welcome e-mails that will be sent to your customers when they register or when back office administrators create a new customer. Note! Set whether a welcome email should be sent or not in the Admin tab.
Click the action menu to edit the welcome emails.
The template is written in HTML, and you can use HTML tags to get data from Bricknode Broker in the template.
Person.* (all properties that a PersonBrick has)
User.* (all properties that a UserBrick has)
Resolver.Now is the current time that the email to be sent
The properties cannot be "dotted" more than one step.
Person.FirstName is ok
Person.Country.Label is not ok
We can also link to a picture or logo on a webpage in the template, <img src="http://.jpg" width="100" height="100" />
BGC Terms (release 2.21)
The mandate text must always be included in the mandate form, regardless of whether the mandate is signed on paper, via the Internet, or via a webpage. The mandate text is the text that describes the conditions and rules for Direct Debit (Autogiro). This is the text the customer (payer) agrees to with their consent. The mandate text is a prerequisite for an approved mandate. More information about this can be found on BGC.
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