Create Insurance Coverages
Create Insurance Coverages
BFS Version: 2.02
To create an insurance cover navigate to Insurance in the top menu and then select Insurance Coverages.
Create Coverage
- Click on the create icon
. Fill out the form.
Properties are described in the table below:Property Description Key Unique value for the specific cover Description Description of the cover Status Can be "Opened" or "Closed" Qualification Period Number of days that have to be covered by the insuree himself e.g. the first 30 days of unemployment Requalification Period Time that needs to pass before a new claim can be paid after a previous claim Qualifying Period Number of days that have to be covered by the insuree himself e.g. the first 30 days of unemployment Min Subscription Age Min age when buying the insurance Max Subscription Age Max age when buying the insurance Max Age Max age for having a valid insurance Deductible The amount of the claim covered by the insuree Compensation Type Claim payout type e.g. SEK, a new mobile phone etc. Max Compensation Max claim amount
Add Claim Form
Click on the action menu on the Cover.
Select the Claim Form tab in the ticket and type in the xml for the claim form (contact Bricknode for templates).
The claim form can be customized by entering xml-formatted text like the example below. The full xml document including the answers provided by the customer will be saved in BFS, by using the XML form you can simply add which custom field you would like.Claim form example<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <form xmlns="http://www.bricknode.com/XmlForm"> <section id="Claimsform" heading="Claims form" tooltip="tooltipps" description="" authLevel="1"> <layout id="SubHeading1"> <content lang=""> <strong>Väghjälp Premium - Reparation</strong> <br /> </content> </layout> <layout id="PolicyHolder"> <content lang=""> Försäkringstagare: </content> </layout> <table> <row> <textField id="PolicyHolder1" rows="1" label="Förnamn:" datatype="string" filledValue="" authLevel="1"></textField> <textField id="PolicyHolder2" rows="1" label="Efternamn:" datatype="string" filledValue="" authLevel="1"></textField> </row> <row> <textField id="PolicyHolder3" rows="1" label="Adress:" datatype="string" filledValue="" authLevel="1"></textField> <textField id="PolicyHolder4" rows="1" label="Postnummer och ort:" datatype="string" filledValue="" authLevel="1"></textField> </row> <row> <textField id="PolicyHolder5" rows="1" label="Telefon:" datatype="string" filledValue="" authLevel="1"></textField> <textField id="PolicyHolder6" rows="1" label="Personnummer:" datatype="string" filledValue="" authLevel="1"></textField> </row> <row> <textField id="PolicyHolder7" rows="1" label="Email:" datatype="string" filledValue="" authLevel="1"></textField> </row> </table> <layout id="Vehicle"> <content lang=""> <br /> Fordon: </content> </layout> <table> <row> <textField id="Vehicle1" rows="1" label="Registreringsnummer:" datatype="string" filledValue="" authLevel="1"></textField> </row> </table> <layout id="ClaimEvent"> <content lang=""> Skadehändelse: </content> </layout> <table> <row> <textField id="ClaimEvent1" rows="1" label="Skadedatum:" datatype="string" filledValue="" authLevel="1"></textField> <textField id="ClaimEvent2" rows="1" label="Klockslag:" datatype="string" filledValue="" authLevel="1"></textField> <textField id="ClaimEvent3" rows="1" label="Skadeplats:" datatype="string" filledValue="" authLevel="1"></textField> </row> </table> <table> <row> <textField id="ClaimEvent4" rows="2" label="Skadehändelse:" datatype="string" filledValue="" authLevel="1"></textField> </row> </table> <layout id="RepairShop"> <content lang=""> Reparatörsverkstad: </content> </layout> <table> <row> <textField id="RepairShop1" rows="1" label="Reparatörsverkstad:" datatype="string" filledValue="" authLevel="1"></textField> <textField id="RepairShop2" rows="1" label="Telefonnummer:" datatype="string" filledValue="" authLevel="1"></textField> </row> <row> <textField id="RepairShop3" rows="1" label="Eventuellt referensnummer:" datatype="string" filledValue="" authLevel="1"></textField> </row> </table> <layout id="BankAccount"> <content lang=""> Konto för utbetalning: </content> </layout> <table> <row> <textField id="BankAccount1" rows="1" label="Bank:" datatype="string" filledValue="" authLevel="1"></textField> <textField id="BankAccount2" rows="1" label="Kontoinnehavare:" datatype="string" filledValue="" authLevel="1"></textField> </row> <row> <textField id="BankAccount3" rows="1" label="Clearingnummer:" datatype="string" filledValue="" authLevel="1"></textField> <textField id="BankAccount4" rows="1" label="Kontonummer:" datatype="string" filledValue="" authLevel="1"></textField> </row> </table> <layout id="Signature"> <content lang=""> Med min underskrift nedan bekräftar jag att alla uppgifter jag lämnat är korrekta och att jag inte undanhållit någon information som är relevant för bedömning av skadan. </content> </layout> <table> <row> <textField id="Signature1" rows="1" label="Ort och datum" datatype="string" filledValue="" authLevel="1"></textField> <textField id="Signature2" rows="1" label="Underskrift" datatype="string" filledValue="" authLevel="1"></textField> </row> </table> <layout id="Space1"> <content lang=""> <br /> </content> </layout> <multipleSelectList id="Attachments" orientation="horizontal" type="checkbox" label="Till skadeanmälan ska bifogas:" authLevel="1"> <option id="Attachment1" label="Original kvitto" filledValue="false"/> <option id="Attachment2" label="Reparatörsrapport" filledValue="false"/> <expression type="validation" errorMessage="">{Attachment1}==true</expression> <expression type="validation" errorMessage="">{Attachment2}==true</expression> </multipleSelectList> </section> </form>
The XML form above looks like this in BFS:
, multiple selections available,
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