Filter inputs

BrickIdsGuid[]Specific ids to look for
Keys string[]Specific keys (SEK) to look for
CurrencyGuidId of currency from GetCurrencies
DecimalPlaces intNumber of decimal points
InstrumentStatuses int[]Statuses from Instrument


Response rows (Array) inherits from EntityBase

Keystring For example SEK
Namestring Name
CurrencyGuid Currency brick
DefaultCustodyAccountGuid CustodyAccount brick
DecimalPlacesintNumber of decimal points
InstrumentStatusintStatuses from Instrument



var client = new BFSServiceReference.bfsapiSoapClient();

var credentials = new BFSServiceReference.Credentials()
    UserName = bfsusername, //Username of administrative user in your instance of BFS
    Password = bfspassword, //Password of the administrative user in your instance of BFS
var request = new GetCashRequest
	Credentials = credentials,
    identify = bfsidentifier, //Identifier is a unique token for your instance of BFS
    //Select the fields you want the response to contain
	Fields = new GetCashFields
    	BrickId = true,
    	Currency = true,
    	Name = true,
	    DecimalPlaces = true,
    	DefaultCustodyAccount = true,
	    InstrumentStatus = true,
    	Key = true

	//Empty filter gets all cash from the system
	Args = new GetCashArgs()

var response = client.GetCash(request); //result from the BFS instance