Filter inputs

NameTypeDescriptionMandatoryAvailable from version
BrickIdsGuid[]Filter by an array of BrickIds. BrickId is the internal id of a Transfer Receiver

PersonsGuid[]Filter by an array of Persons


Filter by an array of TransferReceiverTypeKeys

TransferReceiverTypeAutoGiro - This transfer receiver type is used for AutoGiro payments in Sweden.
TransferReceiverTypeBankGiro - This transfer receiver type is used for BankGiro payments in Sweden.
TransferReceiverTypeDirectBankDomestic - This transfer receiver type is used for making direct bank payment within the country of where you are located.
TransferReceiverTypeDirectBankForeign - This transfer receiver type is used for making direct bank payment outside the country of where you are located.
TransferReceiverTypePlusGiro - This transfer receiver type is used for PlusGiro payments in Sweden.
TransferReceiverTypeSecurities - This transfer receiver type is used for transferring financial securities
TransferReceiverTypeSecuritiesAccount - This transfer receiver type is used to represent an account with EuroClear or other clearing agency
TransferReceiverTypeSettlementCounterParty - This transfer receiver type is used to represent an account with a settlement counterparty. For example, if a legal entity has an account with a brokerage firm that can receive securities and the securities are to be sent to a clearing agency like EuroClear the brokerage firm will have an account with EuroClear and that account is the SettlementCounterparty.
TransferReceiverExtraInfoBicIban - This transfer receiver is used for withdrawals made using BIC and IBAN (also used for the new ISO 20022 format)
TransferReceiverTypeNorwegianBankAccount - This transfer receiver is used for transfers through a Norwegian bank account
TransferReceiverTypeNorwegianPostGiro - This transfer receiver is used for transfers through a Norwegian PostGiro

TransferReceiverExtraInfoBicIban from 2023-06-28

TransferReceiverTypeNorwegianBankAccount TransferReceiverTypeNorwegianPostGiro from 2024-03-06

BatchOrdersboolIf orders for the TransferReceiver are allowed to be batched

BankNamesString[]Filter by the name of the bank entered for the TransferReceiver
CounterpartyBrickIdsGuid[]If the transfer receiver type is one that involves transferring securities instead of cash there will be a reference to a LegalEntity who is acting as counterparty. The full information about the counterparty can be fetched using GetPersons with this value as the input for BrickId.
CounterpartyNamesString[]If the transfer receiver type is one that involves transferring securities instead of cash there will be a reference to a LegalEntity who is acting as counterparty and this is the company name of that Legal Entity.

Filter on the State of the TransferReceiver. Possible values are:








Response rows (Array) inherits from EntityBase

NameTypeDescriptionAvailable from version
BrickIdGuidThe BrickId of the TransferReceiver
PersonGuidThe Person owning the TransferReceiver
TransferReceiverTypeKeyStringThe TransferReceiverType key
NameStringThe name of the external account
CommentStringThe external account comment
AccountNoStringThe account number of the external account
CounterPartyClearingNoStringThe counterparty clearing number
CounterPartyAccountNoStringThe counterparty account number
PayerNumberStringThe PayerNumber of the external account
IBANStringThe international bank account number
BICStringThe business identifier code
BatchordersboolIf orders for the TransferReceiver are allowed to be batched
BankNameStringThe name of the bank entered for the TransferReceiver2.02.20160708
CounterpartyBrickIdGuidIf the transfer receiver type is one that involves transferring securities instead of cash there will be a reference to a LegalEntity who is acting as counterparty. The full information about the counterparty can be fetched using GetPersons with this value as the input for BrickId.2.02.20160722
CounterpartyNameStringIf the transfer receiver type is one that involves transferring securities instead of cash there will be a reference to a LegalEntity who is acting as counterparty and this is the company name of that Legal Entity.2.02.20160722
StateStringThe state of the TransferReceiver (Admission_Cancelled, Admission_Created etc.)
BankGiroNumberstringA TransferReceiver of the type TransferReceiverTypeBankGiro, will have the property BankGiroNumber.2.37
StatusstringIf the TransferReceiver has been Removed or Closed this property will be populated.2.38

Code examples

//Use the GetTransferReceiver method 
var client = new BFSServiceReference.bfsapiSoapClient();

var credentials = new BFSServiceReference.Credentials()
    UserName = bfsusername, //Username of administrative user in your instance of BFS
    Password = bfspassword, //Password of the administrative user in your instance of BFS

var persons = client.GetTransferReceivers(new BFSServiceReference.GetTransferReceiversRequest()
    Credentials = credentials,

    identify = bfsidentifier, //Identifier is a unique token for your instance of BFS  

    Args = new BFSServiceReference.GetTransferReceiversArgs()
        TransferReceiverTypeKeys = new []


    Fields = new BFSServiceReference.GetTransferReceiverFields()
        BrickId = true,
        AccountNo = true,
        BIC = true,
        BankName = true,
        IBAN = true

foreach (var c in persons.Result)
    Console.WriteLine(c.BrickId + "," + c.AccountNo + "," + c.BIC + "," + c.BankName + "," + c.IBAN);