Filter inputs

NameTypeDescriptionMandatoryAvailable from version
BrickIdsGuid[] Filter by array of BrickIds. false  2.12
Descriptionsstring[] Filter by array of Descriptions false  2.12
ExecutionInterfaceSettingKeysstring[] Filter by array of ExecutionInterfaceSettingKeys false  2.12
 AccountsGuid[] Filter by array of Accounts false  2.12
 BusinessEventNosstring[] Filter by array of BusinessEventNos false  2.12
Comments[]string[]Filter by array of Commentsfalse 2.12

Response rows (Array) inherits from EntityBase

NameTypeDescriptionAvailable from version
BrickIdGuidThe BrickId (unique id) of the account type 2.12
DescriptionstringDescription of the BusinessEvent  2.12
ExecutionInterfaceSettingKeystringExecutionInterfaceSettingKey of the BusinessEvent 2.12
CashGuidCash of the BusinessEvent 2.12
InstrumentGuidInstrument of the BusinessEvent 2.12
AccountGuidAccount of the BusinessEvent 2.12
CommentstringComment of the BusinessEvent 2.12

Code examples

 public static void GetBusinessEvents()
            var binding = new BasicHttpsBinding();
            binding.MaxReceivedMessageSize = Int32.MaxValue;

            var target = new bfsapi.bfsapiSoapClient(binding, new EndpointAddress(""));
            var req = new GetBusinessEventRequest();
            req.Credentials = new bfsapi.Credentials
                UserName = "username",
                Password = "password"

            req.identify = "identifystring";

            req.Args = new GetBusinessEventArgs
                Description = new[] { "ManualOrder Sell" , "ManualOrder Buy" }

            req.Fields=new GetBusinessEventFields
                BrickId = true,
                Description = true,
                Account = true,
                Cash = true,

            var resp = target.GetBusinessEvents(req);