Filter inputs

NameTypeDescriptionMandatoryAvailable from version
BrickIdsGuid[]Filter by array of BrickIds, BrickId is the internal id of a Legal Entity

Keysstring[]Filter by array of Account Type Keys

AccountNoSeriesKeystringFilter by a single Account Number Series Key. This is the rule for account number generation

AccountTypeRuleTypeGuid?Filter by Account Type Rule Type. The Account Type Rules are defined in System Data within the GUI of BFS and determines what actions can be performed on a certain account type.


Filter by Account Type Status. The Account Type Status determines what type of user the account is visible for.

1 = Open for all users

2 = Open (Admin), only admin users can create accounts

3 = Closed

5 = Open (Partner), only admin and advisor/partner users can create accounts

6 = Open (Filter), the account type is only visible in filter dropdowns

7 = Open (House), the account type can only be created on the house entity

AccountPositionLogicstringFilter by Account Position Logic. Currently the only account position logic supported is Auto Merge which means that one position per financial instrument is maintained


MustCoverbool?Filter by Must Cover. If this value is true an account of the selected account type is not allowed to have a negative balance

IsSubjectToIncomeTaxbool?If this value is True the account will be subject to tax withholding and tax reporting

IsInsuranceAccountbool?If this value is True the account will be categorized as an insurance account


CreatedDateFromDateTimeWhen used, both from date and to date should be provided in the request


Response rows (Array) inherits from EntityBase

NameTypeDescriptionAvailable from version
BrickIdGuidThe BrickId (unique id) of the account type
KeystringThe account type key of the account type
CreatedDateDateTimeThe date when the account was created2.02.20160506
LabelstringThe name of the account type as displayed to the account holder
AccountNoSeriesKeystringThis is the rule for account number generation
AccountTypeRuleTypeGuidThe Account Type Rules are defined in System Data within the GUI of BFS and determines what actions can be performed on a certain account type.

The Account Type Status determines what type of user the account is visible for.

0 = Closed

1 = Open for all users

2 = Open (Admin), only admin users can view the account

3 = Open (Partner), only admin and advisor users can view the account

4 = Open (House), only the House of the BFS instance and the admin can view the account

AccountPositionLogicstringCurrently the only account position logic supported is Auto Merge which means that one position per financial instrument is maintained

MustCoverboolIf this value is true an account of the selected account type is not allowed to have a negative balance
IsSubjectToIncomeTaxboolIf this value is True the account will be subject to tax withholding and tax reporting
IsInsuranceAccountboolIf this value is True the account will be categorized as an insurance account

Code examples

//Use the GetAccountTypes method to get all AccountTypes in the BFS instance and write
//the information in the console
var client = new BFSServiceReference.bfsapiSoapClient();
var credentials = new BFSServiceReference.Credentials()
    UserName = bfsusername, //Username of administrative user in your instance of BFS
    Password = bfspassword, //Password of the administrative user in your instance of BFS
var accounttypes = client.GetAccountTypes(new BFSServiceReference.GetAccountTypeRequest()
    Credentials = credentials,
    identify = bfsidentifier, //Identifier is a unique token for your instance of BFS       
    Fields = new BFSServiceReference.GetAccountTypeFields()
        BrickId = true,
        Key = true,
foreach (var c in accounttypes.Result)
    Console.WriteLine(c.BrickId + "," + c.Key);