Filter inputs

MandatoryAvailable from version

Filter by array of BrickIds. BrickId is the internal id of an order

StatesString[]Filter orders by states. To find a list with states use the back office GUI and navigate to System Data→Workflows and find the Key with the name ExternalFundBatchOrder

InstrumentsGuid[]Filter by array of InstrumentIds.

ExternalReferencesString[]Filter by ExternalReferences

OrderNosString[]Filter by order numbers

ExecutionInterfaceGuid[]Filter by the BfsId of Execution Interface

ExecutionInterfaceKeyStringFilter by Execution Interface key

CreatedDateFromDateTimeWhen used, both from date and to date should be provided in the request


Response rows (Array) inherits from EntityBase

Available from version

The BrickId of the order

CashAmountDecimalThe amount in cash
InstrumentAmountDecimalThe amount in units
TradeOrderDirectionKeyString"Buy" or "Sell"
InstrumentGuidThe associated instrument
CashGuidThe associated Cash
PriceDoubleThe price of the order
StateStringThe current state of the order
IsUnitOrderBoolTrue if the order is traded in units
OrderNoStringThe order number of the order
CashTradeDateDateTimeThe date the cash leg of the order was executed2.02
InstrumentTradeDateDateTimeThe date the instrument leg of the order was executed2.02
CashSettlementDateDateTimeThe date the cash leg of the order was settled2.02.20160422
InstrumentSettlementDateDateTimeThe date the instrument leg of the order was settled2.02.20160422
SentDateDateTimeThe date the order was sent to an order route
ExternalReferenceStringExternal reference on the order
ExecutionInterfaceKeyStringThe key name of the associated execution interface2.02
ExecutionInterfaceGuidThe BrickId of the execution interface2.02
CreatedDateDateTimeThe timestamp of when the order was created2.02
IsPrePayedBoolTrue if the order follows the pre pay order process2.02

Code examples

 //Use the GetExternalFundBatchOrders method 
var client = new BFSServiceReference.bfsapiSoapClient();

var credentials = new BFSServiceReference.Credentials()
    UserName = bfsusername, //Username of administrative user in your instance of BFS
    Password = bfspassword, //Password of the administrative user in your instance of BFS

var accounttypes = client.GetExternalFundBatchOrders(new BFSServiceReference.GetExternalFundBatchOrdersRequest()
    Credentials = credentials,

    identify = bfsidentifier, //Identifier is a unique token for your instance of BFS  

    Args = new GetExternalFundBatchOrdersArgs()
        BrickIds = new Guid[]
            new Guid("928f5a5a-5abf-45e7-977c-b716f73b7618"),


    Fields = new BFSServiceReference.GetExternalFundBatchOrderFields()
        BrickId = true,
        CashAmount = true,
        InstrumentAmount = true,
        TradeOrderDirectionKey = true,
        Instrument = true,
        Cash = true,
        Price = true,
        State = true,
        IsUnitOrder = true,
        OrderNo = true,
        CashTradeDate = true,
		InstrumentTradeDate = true,
        ExternalReference = true,
        CreatedDate = true,
        ExecutionInterfaceKey = true,
        ExecutionInterface = true,
        IsPrePayed = true,
        CashSettlementDate = true,
        InstrumentSettlementDate = true,
        SentDate = true,
        SettledAmount = true

foreach (var c in accounttypes.Result)
    Console.WriteLine(c.BrickId + ","
        + c.CashAmount
        + ","
        + c.InstrumentAmount
        + ","
        + c.TradeOrderDirectionKey
        + ","
        + c.Instrument
        + ","
        + c.Cash
        + ","
        + c.Price
        + ","
        + c.State
        + ","
        + c.IsUnitOrder
        + ","
        + c.OrderNo
        + ","
        + c.TradeDate
        + ","
        + c.ExternalReference
        + ","
        + c.CreatedDate
        + ","
        + c.ExecutionInterfaceKey
        + ","
        + c.ExecutionInterface
        + ","
        + c.IsPrePayed
        + ","
        + c.CashSettlementDate
        + ","
        + c.InstrumentSettlementDate
        + ","
        + c.SentDate
        + ","
        + c.SettledAmount
