Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Available from version |
BrickId | Guid | BFSId of WithdrawalBatchOrder | No, not Not if BrickId OrderNo is sent | 2.02.20160429 |
TradeDate | DateTime | The trade date to be used for the transactions that will be triggered by this action | 2.02.20160429 | |
SettlementDate | DateTime | The settlement date to be used for the transactions that will be triggered by this action | Yes | 2.02.20160429 |
ValueDate | DateTime | The value date to be used for the transactions that will be triggered by this action | Yes | 2.02.20160429 |
OrderNo | string | Ordernumber of the batchorder | No, not if BrickId Not if BFS-id is sent | 2.02.20160429 |
Response rows