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NameTypeDescriptionMandatoryDefault valueAvailable from versionComment
PriceDateEntries[]PriceDateEntry[]Array of PriceDateEntriesYes

ClearAllPreviousDataboolClears all data previous to the first date in the range in PriceDateEntries.Nofalse2.23 
ClearPreviousDataByRangeboolClears all data between the first and the last date in the rangeNofalse2.23
UpdateCurrentPriceFromLastPriceboolUpdate the price on the instrument from the last date in the range in PriceDateEntriesNofalse2.23 Breaking Feature change from 2.23. If you want to update the price with the latest price, the property must be set to true.
Included in NuGet package version 1.1.1 and above
ClearAllsubsequentDataboolClears all data after the last date in the range in PriceDateEntries.Nofalse2.23 
