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NameTypeDescriptionAvailable from version
BrickIdGuidThe BrickId (unique id) of the POA
CreatedDateDateTimeDate for creation
POACustomerNostringCustomer number of the agent of the POA
POACustomerIdGuidId of the agent of the POA
AccountIdGuidAccount id of the POA
KeyStringThe Key (type) of the POA. Can be View, Trade, Full or Inactive
PowerOfAttorneyTypeIdGuidId of the POA type
CustomFieldsobject[]CustomFields is an array of CustomField objects. Each CustomField consists of two strings, FieldName and Value. There are no datatypes associated with these properties, they are just a way for api-users to add custimized data to the object.2.20

Code examples

Code Block
titleC# - Get POAs from a BFS instance
 public static void GetPoa()
            var binding = new BasicHttpBinding();
            binding.MaxReceivedMessageSize = Int32.MaxValue;

            var target = new bfsapi.bfsapiSoapClient(binding, new EndpointAddress("http://localhost:20010/bfsapi.asmx"));
            var req = new GetPOARequest();
            req.Credentials = new bfsapi.Credentials
                UserName = "username",
                Password = "password"

            req.identify = "identifycode";

            req.Args=new GetPOAArgs
                Keys = new[] {"View", "Full"  },

            var resp = target.GetPOAS(req);
