To get this working in the Tax application, we have added the transaction type for the technical sell used in BFS, to the Transaction type section of the export to Excel popup. This transaction type is called: “Default_Trade_Sell_Technical”.
We have also setup set up which ISK account types you have in your BFS instance. This is made in the “Account types for ISK” section of the export to Excel popup.
When you export the Excel, the value is populated in column F, called “ReportSoldToISK”“BfsSoldToISK”. TRUE is reported if this sell in question was made to an ISK account and FALSE if not.
The rounding of profits and loss should be made in different ways so that it is always the most benificial beneficial for the end customer (not pay too much tax). Before the Tax application rounded profits and loss in the same way but this is now changed according to SKV regulations (loss is rounded up and profits down).
Before the app required this and you had to make a lot of manual work to get it out in the Excel and then you had to remove it from XML anyway since SKV do does not approve an empty ISIN value.
So if the instrument do does not have an ISIN, there will be no ISIN filled in the XML file that is uploaded to SKV.
The value of “Schablonintäkt” has now the correct field type according to the schema for the tax reported to SKV. Before it was incorrectly a 12 digit large field, this is now changed to a 10 digit field.
Time span Timespan issue fixed
Previously we We have had an issue under some surcomstanses, with the time span period of the Excel exports. If you had taxable events in BFS on the first of january January or the last of december December these would not be included in the reports if you selected these dates as time span. This is now fixed and the Tax application includes the same time span period as you enter in the application.