Click on the button Edit if you need to change any information about the Fund Rebate.
Now you can import a file with the fund rebate/rebates.
Use our example file to import your rebates. There is possible to import fund rebates for several instruments.
The file must consist of the following fields, ISIN, Trade date, Settlement date, Value date, Amount, and Currency.
Error handling and Exceptions
If there is anything wrong with the file there will be an error message. To make it easier for the user to find the error the message shows which row as well as a description of the error. See examples below:
Correct the file and import it again.
There can also be an exception these will be visible on the transaction after doing Prepare or Execute. Example: A customer should not have a fund rebate transaction if the account is closed.
There will be a message in the transaction list about the exception.