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Filter inputs

NameTypeDescriptionMandatoryAvailable from version



ReceiversGuid[]The user associated with the Task

Subjectsstring[]The heading of the task

Bodiesstring[]The descriptive text of the task

IsReadboolIf the message is read by the customer

IsPublicboolIf the message is public

IsPromotedboolIf the message is promoted

EventDateFromDateTimeThe from-date of message

EventDateToDateTimeThe to-date of message

IsHTMLboolIf the text contains html

Statusstring[]The status of the task, allowed values: "Created", "InProgress", "Done", "Closed"


string[]The priority of the task, allowed values: "High", "Medium", "Low"


NameTypeDescriptionAvailable from version
BrickIdGuidThe BrickId (unique id) of the task
CreatedDateDateTimeThe date the task message was created
ReceiverGuidThe user associated with the taskreceiver of the message
SubjectstringThe heading subject of the taskthe message
BodystringThe descriptive text body of the taskthe message
EventDateDateTimeThe due date for taskfor message
IsReadboolIf the message is read
IsPublicboolIf the message is public
IsPromotedboolIf the message is promoted
IsHTMLboolIf the text body contains html
StatusstringThe status of the taskmessage, allowed values: "Created", "InProgress", "Done", "Closed"
PrioritystringThe priority of the taskmessage, allowed values: "High", "Medium", "Low"
